Social Impact

Key Challenges

Smallholder and artisanal miners are the keys to sustainable mining operations in Africa. Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining occurs in approximately 80 countries worldwide and there are approximately 100 million artisanal miners globally. Artisanal and small-scale mining practices are widespread in developing countries in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and Central and South America, and their production supply account for 80% of global sapphire, 20% of gold mining, and up to 20% of diamond mining according to the World Bank.

Though the informal nature and on the whole un-mechanized operation generally results in low productivity, the sector represents an important livelihood and income source for the poverty affected local population. Port-Ag partners with local mining corporations and farming groups to mechanize operations and increase productivity.


By working collaboratively with artisanal miners, Ag-Port and its partners can make a positive, meaningful impact – on sustainable development, improving livelihoods, mitigating climate change, addressing global poverty, and ensuring best mining practices for the future. We know we cannot solve these issues on our own, so we work with governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), expert organizations, industry peers, and other stakeholders to put in place effective interventions. The application of best practice mining techniques enables us to help miners enhance productivity, while the deployment of new technology can help increase transparency and identify challenges and new, innovative solutions throughout our supply chain.

How we're transforming our supply chain

To transform our agricultural supply chains and make a meaningful impact, we focus on the following areas:
We aim to achieve this through strong collaborations with expert partners and our metal suppliers, who fully understand the challenges on the ground, where changes can drive transformation.