Metals and Mineral Trading

The Metals and Minerals group within the Ag-Port has a long-established global presence providing a full range of risk management products to participants from all sectors of the base metals market.

Ag-Port has been working with a vast network of local miners for a number of years.  One of the many strengths of this pact, borne out of decades of experience in formalizing artisanal mining or ASM, is the ability to align the interests of commercial counterparties with that of local impacted communities. While Ag-Port prides itself on a solid understanding of local dynamics, we have benefitted hugely from  on-the-ground presence and community network in the host communities of West Africa.



Though the informal nature and on the whole, un-mechanized operations of ASM generally results in low productivity, the sector represents an important livelihood and income source for the local populace. Ag-Port partners with local mining corporations and farming groups to mechanize operations and increase productivity.

These minerals we trade can be broadly categorized according to use, into five groups:


Sustainable mining operations

Due to our strong partnerships, Ag-Port has access to a vast network of Small-Scale Mining firms to provide increased downstream value to our clients.


Ag-Port strives to eliminate bad actors, sanctioned entities, and minerals from conflict zones from slipping into our supply chain process.


While Ag-Port serves as an advocate for our suppliers, we are also looking out for our clients and strive to supply conflict-free and ethically sourced minerals